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Football 101 - The Basics of Football
The fields
The playing field is 100 yards long.
- It has stripes running across the field at five-yard intervals.
- There are shorter lines, called hash marks , marking each one-yard interval. (not shown)
- On each end of the playing field is an end zone (red section with diagonal lines) which extends ten yards.
- The total field is 120 yards long and 160 feet wide.
- Located on the very back line of each end zone is a goal post .
- The spot where the end zone meets the playing field is called the goal line.
- The yardage from the goal line is marked at ten-yard intervals, up to the 50-yard line, which is in the center of the field. After reaching the 50-yard line, the yardage markers start to descend (40, 30, 20, 10) every ten yards until they reach the opposite goal line.
- If you have any questions you can get them answered quickly by posting them on the About Football Forum !

- The Field
Learn the dimensions of the playing field as well as many of the basic terms associated with a football field.
- The Teams
Each team is comprised of an offense, defense, and special teams.
- Object of the Game
What are all those guys running around on the field trying to accomplish?
- Beginning the Game
Know what's going on right from the opening kickoff!
- Down and Distance
If you can get a grasp on this section, the rest of the game will come with time!
- Methods of Scoring
Learn all the different ways to put points on the scoreboard!